SP DigiFab EP1000 Project

EL/EP1000/FT/01, Sean Lim Kein Hui, P2019701.


Hello, this will be my website for documentation of my Digital Fabrication Module work.

Pre-Project Timeline

Part Details (with images)

This is a Chess Piece first designed in fusion, followed by it being 3d Printed out.

Using fusion & a 2d image of a knight, the 3d model is created.

knight piece

Printer Startup.

3d Printer Startup

Afterwards the 3d model is printed out.

knight piece

Music Box.

This is a Laser cut out of a Music Box .

Using fusion, we designed the body of the Music Box

Laser Cutting

After converting to DXF, we use the laser cutter to cut out the parts for assembly.

Laser Cutting

After cutting out the pieces, they are assembled.

Music Box

Embedded Programming (Arduino)

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online.

Music Box

Project Timeline - Coin Sorter

Part Details (with images)

My Project is a coin sorter designed in fusion and made with a mix of Laser cut and 3d Printed parts.

CAD parts

The ramp to sort the coins & the coin slot were 3D printed. The idea was to have the holes different sizes for the 10, 20, 50 cents & $1 coins from smallest to largest.

The coin slot was large enough for 1 of any coin to fit and had a small ramp that would lead down into the coin sorter.

Music Box

Laser Cutting

The body of the Coin sorter, designed fully in fusion. The body was made large enough to give enough room for all the parts.

Music Box
Music Box
Music Box


In hindsight, with better planning and more effort I would've had the time to construct and complete the electronic parts that I orginally planned to add to the project.

Final Product

Music Box
Music Box
Music Box
Music Box

About Me

Hello I am Sean Lim Kein Hui, as of 2021, a year 2 student. Email: seanlimkh20.20@ichat.sp.edu.sg Currently studying in DME (Diploma in Mechanical Engineering).
